SimplifyWork - Carlos Venegas

Front-Line Leadership Development designed to help you SimplifyWork.

SimplifyWork empowers front-line managers to effectively guide their teams in:

  • improving processes immediately,
  • making changes to the work they do, and
  • working together better.

Productivity and engagement scale after SimplifyWork

Over the shoulder view of a man on a group video call

SimplifyWork Training: The Details

Who should attend: Front-line managers and supervisors who are self-directed high-performers do best in this training.

Class design:This virtual, hands-on training includes practical problem-solving where managers increase productivity and build engagement by guiding their work teams to improve a real work process or their choice.

Class outcome: Managers learn how to guide their teams to (1) see waste, (2) document a business process, (3) identify opportunities for improvement, (4) design a more efficient process, (5) test the new process for effectiveness, and then (6) implement and sustain the improvements.

Class size: Up to five front-line managers and supervisors.

Class duration: Six 2- to 3-hour sessions over a 10-week period.

Training Design

  • Small, supportive manager cohorts
  • Interactive learning
  • Blended delivery
  • Real-world problem-solving
  • Measurable results

Leadership Skills

  • Inspire engagement, inclusion, and trust
  • Strengthen working relationships
  • Recognize impact on others
  • Lead problem-solving with confidence

From Carlos on SimplifyWork

“SimplifyWork is easy and to the point for three reasons:

First, Lean implementations are often way harder than they need to be when organizations try to utilize the hundreds of important principles and tools used in Lean and Six Sigma. I use these myself, however, in most cases you only need one. Start simple to achieve immediate results – which will increase long-term engagement and momentum.

Second, There are managers who are motivated to make things better, but their organization is not doing Lean, or Lean was tried but didn’t take root. Now, they are on their own. Managers and their teams deserve the tools and support to achieve their goals.

Lastly, this training is about learning how to do something valuable, and I want you to get those skills fast, and apply them immediately.”

The best part is that after learning the fundamentals, you can apply them to any process – from processes in purchasing, HR or engineering to how you make coffee or do laundry. Then you can build on them, whether you run a 3-person yard maintenance company or a 15,000-person government agency.

Take the next step

to quickly increase productivity and encourage engagement through SimplifyWork.

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Actual Client Results

Cut invoice approval process by


Reduced a project reporting process from 45 minutes to 20 minutes—an improvement of


Cut data entry errors by



Seattle Public Utilities: the SimplifyWork Leadership Development Program

Managers from Seattle Public Utilities learned in a supportive, small-cohort setting that was held online by a qualified trainer. Then they shared and practiced the concepts with their team on a real process they wanted to improve.

In the six sessions, managers reflected on their results and challenges with their cohorts to learn from and support each other. Between cohort sessions, managers accessed an online training platform to access videos and downloadable tools.

By the end of the training, the teams were ready to implement their new process. Immediate success reinforced their confidence in Simplify WorkWork and their ability to improve other processes, maintaining momentum in their improvement efforts.

The Seattle Public Utilities managers reported time savings and increases in value added work as shown below.

Process Annual Results • time saved •
Review and interpret system reports +412 hours
Emergency Street Use Permitting +37 hours
Inspecting New Warehouse Inventory +10 hours
Contract Intake & Assignment Process +110 hours
Monthly meetings went from 3% to 75% value added tasks

What People Say about SimplifyWork


“SimplifyWork helped me understand what process improvement is all about. It’s about working smarter not harder. It’s foundational.”

City Government

“I found some of the tools helpful to guide discussion. We often jump to solutions. This process ‘forced’ discussion and analysis of current state and recognition of waste.”

City Government

“It wasn’t super technical or full of lots of jargon…this was more approachable for all the different learning styles we had in our group.”

City Government

Take the next step

towards greater efficiency and engagement through SimplifyWork.

Schedule a Call

If you are looking for something specific for your organization or team, don’t hesitate to reach out to explore your options.