Carlos Venegas

You want more productivity, quality, and engagement from your team so you can deliver on your mission.

You want to tackle the barriers that keep you from being a great leader.

Carlos can help.

You want more productivity, quality, and engagement from your team so you can deliver on your mission.

You want to tackle the barriers that keep you from being a great leader.

Carlos can help.

Work with Carlos to:

improve efficiency, quality, and customer experience, and
make work more productive and satisfying for everyone, with less stress and struggle.


Build front-line leadership skills to get more done with less effort, better quality, and more engagement.

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Develop leadership skills to lead change, manage resistance, and foster productive work relationships.

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Lean Kaizen WorkshopS

Sometimes a big problem needs special attention. Carlos will facilitate your team as they solve key process and team problems.

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Carlos’s Approach:

  Simplify work.
Build engagement.
Lead with respect.

Carlos Venegas is a mentor and trusted advisor to leaders, and a published author. He is an expert in leading change and managing resistance with emotional intelligence.

More about Carlos

If you are looking for something specific for your organization or team, don’t hesitate to reach out to explore your options.

Contact Carlos

What people say about Carlos


“If we had not met Carlos, we probably would not be in business today.”

Jimmy Frech
Entrepreneur at Mental Case

“Carlos delivers Lean concepts so well that people want to be a part of the project
and they embrace serious change with enthusiasm.”

A Government Client

“If we had not done the process improvement work with Carlos, we would not have survived the recession.”

CEO of an Entertainment Company

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